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Retail has continued to navigate the challenging aftermath of the Covid pandemic and now we’ve got the added headache of a cost-of-living crisis to contend with too.

But it’s not all doom and gloom for retailers. Here we explore the top retail trends expected for 2023 and how retail signage can help.

Retailers who put convenience, enjoyable shopping experiences and evidence for environmental credentials at the forefront of their innovations will likely emerge as market leaders.

Whilst purse strings are being pulled tighter, customers still need to purchase goods, and research shows they enjoy shopping, though they’re often time-poor so offering convenience is key. We’re continuing to see a rise in click-and-collect services, and shoppers visiting retail stores are favouring retail parks, where parking is free and easy, over the high street.

With convenience comes customer experience. Customers enjoy a more satisfying retail experience when clear and concise wayfinding signage is available. This can often be the difference in determining whether the customer returns to the store and recommends it to others.

Once your customers are in your store, it’s crucial to make it as easy as possible to help customers choose your goods. Point of Purchase (POP) signage also known as Point of Sales (POS) signage is physical or digital marketing displays placed in retail stores to advertise products and encourage customers to make purchasing decisions.

Effective and eye-catching Point of Purchase signage is key for retailers to influence their customers to pinpoint special offers and new product lines. Here at Widd Signs, we offer a complete POP/POS solution using sustainable products that are both kind to the environment and cost-effective.

There’s no getting away from the fact that customers are increasingly keen to invest in brands which show they care for the environment. They’re becoming savvy to ‘greenwashing’. Hence, it’s not enough to simply offer eco-products but ensure you’re investing in sustainable materials to promote your retail store’s messaging on your signage and we have experts on hand to advise of the different materials your signage can be made from. From cost-effective signage to sustainable signage, we’ve got you covered.

Whilst 2023 may start quietly for the retail industry, savvy retailers who combine the above ingredients will not only survive but likely thrive.

Do you anticipate other trends for retail this year? Let us know your thoughts over on our social media platforms, search, follow and like @WiddSigns.

To discuss further, get in touch here.

To see how we support retailers with their retail signage view our retail projects here.